The “White Island”,
the God’s Dwelling Place among the people
Who wants to do the Father’s will must divest himself of self, clothing the Light of Christ and following the Spirit, which advances, renews and purifies; to return to life, true life, to practice Christian teachings, the teachings of Christ the Lord, the Son of God, sent by the Father to converge every heart willing and ready to listen in freedom, to return to the right path.
Unique Way, unique destination: the Father’s Heart.
This is the holy people that want to be on the way with Christ, Way, Truth and Life.
This is the people who want to be faithful to the Church of Christ, Mother Church, New Jerusalem.
This is what the other house has lost, sold off, abolished; becoming stepmother, becoming predator, becoming evil: using the Word of God, putting into practice its own human teachings; selling off what was to remain sacred; selling off its own children to adopt other philosophies and creatures; debasing the Sacrifice of the Son to cancel His sonship in the hearts, that in Christ wanted to stay.
They say to want to defend the so-called magisterium of the Church. In truth they defend their own word, their own power, their own image: an image blank and emptied of every feeling and holy thought, becoming an empty vessel, where there no longer is a fertile ground where to place the seed of God’s Goodness.
It was necessary to defend the Word of God, the Name of God; and strive in the Name of God, in the name of Christ, to let recognize the only Truth: the Father who has sent His Son to meet His creatures, welcomes them in His Heart, taking jealous care of them, giving them the dignity of children; let them sit at the table and eat the living Bread.
This is the dignity that God the Father Almighty has reserved for His faithful children and that He had reserved for all those who willingly would have welcomed, preserved in their heart His gift: Christ.
Everything is sold off. Everything has served to capture human power and try in every way to control hearts, possess hearts, by the submission to their own hegemony.
The Son of God won over the world with His Love of Man God, with the weapons of His Heart. His main weapon: Mary, the humble Mary, the handmaid of God, that with Her prayers, maternal care and holy sweetness, accompanied Her son, supported Her Son, making understand and wanting to make humanity understand how to become Brides of the Almighty God, how to lower oneself to be raised by the Father, how to be faithful to the Word of the Master.
This is the example of the women of God. This is the example of Mary, humble, holy, faithful. And all those who want to be daughters of Mary, authentic Christians, must shed their human punditry and be like Mary: help of the Lord; and not be scandal and no longer holy but subject of trade.
Here is the Father’s House, the White Island, where the purity of faith will remain uninjured, intact, immaculate, because God the Father Almighty would not allow human selfishness to scupper the authentic faith in Christ, in the only religion, the only Truth that never will be relativized.
Christ cannot adapt to the world and to the world times. Christ overcomes every kind of adaptation. Christ overcomes every kind of humane policy. Christ overcomes all types of human persecution. Christ wins, so that the purity be.
Here the warnings given in the times from the announcers of the Truth. All of them opposed. And after so much contrast, someone now would also like to use them and their notices for their own interests.
Everything has become vanity; everything has become putrid. No more laver of purified souls in the name of God but pond where sin is alive and repugnant at the eyes of God the Father Almighty.
The Fire of God the Father Almighty will start, even stronger, sweeping out and burning where the betrayal is complete, and then slowly climb and wrap, with His signs, all that is rotten, to give true testimony to the Truth, to give true testimony of the God’s Dwelling Place; to give true testimony of the presence of the Holy Spirit in those who announce with courage, strength and effectiveness WHERE GOD IS!
In these last times the world must know.
Here is the announcement of this House, given by the Woman of God, to prepare hearts and minds for the return of the Son of God, descended to re-establish the order and the discipline, so that the Christian faith would no longer be trampled, but to restore the value of the live teachings that God the Father has wanted and donated.
The Woman of God has proclaimed and announced, for an entire generation.
So here that this announcement has been preserved from the domain of a house, because never welcomed, because in contrast with their own way of acting. And what was holy, holy had to remain.
God, the Father Almighty, the Father of this Church, the Father of this Holy people, bless all of His true children, so that these children could be united in Christ and in Christ could be protected, now and forever. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.