The dignity of God’s sons
No one will be ever allowed to trample on the dignity of God’s sons, the dignity that the Father has given to them again, in this Land of Love, in the White Island where the Spirit of God will preserve the pureness of the true Christian faith. In the Land of Love, wanted by the Father, the Faith in Jesus is alive and will not be sold-off. In the Land of Love, no one in authority (1Tim 2:2-4) will prevent God’s sons from professing, freely and with dignity, their faith in Jesus and Mary, or to proclaim with pride their faith in Christ the Lord, and their belonging to the Universal Christian Church with whom the Father has renewed His Covenant.
In the Land of Love, everyone will be able to rediscover the dignity of being sons of the Most High. In this Land, donated by the Father to His faithful sons, no one will ever be able to remove the dignity (Tt 2:7) that the Father has wanted to give back to His sons. Through Christ Jesus, the Father has granted and given that dignity. And the sons of God, aware of the gift received, will hold that dignity tight. The sons of God will live to make that dignity live and to make it shine, allowing everyone to be clothed with the Light of the Son of God, who has given His life so that everyone may have life and have it to the full (Jn 10:10).
In the Universal Christian Church, the dignity of being Christians returns to be the centre of the Father’s Plan of Salvation. The dignity of every son of God is and will increasingly be a bulwark for God’s Mystery of Salvation. Dignity is and will be strength, for all those who do not have the strength to rebel against the chains of the world, so that, for all men and women of good will and for all those who do not believe, the Christians may be the living flame that bears witness to Christ, the Light of this world (Jn 1:9), so that every believer and every unbeliever may be clothed with the Light of Christ, to relive the true life, a life full of Christian authenticity, a holy life, a life that puts at the centre the One who gave His Life, Christ, the Catholic God, the universal God.
In the Land of Love, once again many will find the House, the true House, which will welcome all those who will be freed from the slavery of the enemy of God; all those who, fleeing from the reality of Babylon – that a time was and now no longer is -, will take refuge in the New Jerusalem (Jer 51:45, Rev 18:4); and all those who have escaped the pitfalls of the enemy of God.
This is the dignity that no one will ever again have to barter. Those who barter the dignity will return to be slaves of humanity, slaves to those who mock and have mocked Christ, slaves to a system that wants to discard the cornerstone (1Pt 2:4-8); that wants to discard the Rock (1Cor 10:4) flowing with milk and honey (Dt 26:9); that wants to discard the action of the Holy Spirit that has never ceased and that can never be interrupted.