The live action of the Spirit of the Lord
in the Cradle of Love, Font of the Holy Spirit


The sons of the Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem, are fully aware and will acknowledge ever more the presence of the Holy Spirit in the Divine Cradle, Font of the Love of God. The Little Cradle of Baby Jesus is the Tabernacle of the Love of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. This is the Font of the Holy Spirit. In this Font, cleansing water of rebirth and renewal (Tit 3:5) of souls, by the work of the Holy Spirit, the Father’s Love cleanses the hearts, purifies the hearts (Acts 15:8-9; Heb 10:22) and deletes every stain from them. The more a heart is well disposed and available to be cleansed (Psalm 51:19), the more that heart will become limpid and every stain will be cancelled (Psalm 51:12), to give way to the action of the Divine Spirit that fills the heart of the grace of the Father.

The sons of God and all those who are animated by the pursuit of Truth (Jn 1:17; 4:23-24; 16:13), are to have an intense perception of the presence of the Spirit of God in the Land of Love, that the Father has given to His children. In the moment in which the children’s eyes will be limpid, they will be able to see the live action of the Spirit that descends and that brings every heart to be immersed in the living water that restores life (Jn 4:14) and that brightens the heart, so to be, to live and to transmit holiness: the holiness that the Cradle of Love, Tabernacle of the living Love of the Father, wants to spread and pour out on this humanity.

«He will extend his dominion over those who fear him. He will extend his dominion over the whole Earth» (Isa 9:6; Bar 2:34-35; Dan 3:100; 6:27; Zech 9:10; Sir 24:6).

Those who fear (Psalm 103:11.13.17; 115:13, Sir 6:16, 34:13, Rev 11:18), those who revere, and those who bow down before the live action of the Spirit of the Lord, will receive the power to live the brotherhood and to understand the sonship, and so will be called to participate in His saving action, which gives life. Those who fight Him and denigrate Him, will be deprived even of what they have (Mt 13:12, 25:29, Mk 4:24-25, Lk 8:18, 19:26) and so they will remain naked, both spiritually and materially. In the House of the Lord, in the Abode of the Divine Spirit, there is no room for the workers of iniquity nor for the workers of perdition.

All those who will flock to the Abode of God (Rev 21:2) will find the Divine Spirit waiting for them, to meet them, and so to enter their hearts, to nourish, warm, renew and fill them of His Love, His grace and His true and profound friendship.

The sons of God who participate in the live action of the Mother Church, are called to bear witness to the true brotherhood and to the live sonship, with love, with fervent love; with obedience (2Cor 9:13; Jn 49:9), with true loving obedience (1Pet 1:22; Rom 1:5; 5:19; 6:16); with equilibrium; and with holy order, and by eliminating the disorder that reigns in their heart, to be able to understand the essence and the substance of the Divine Spirit, of His infinite Love, that reigns in the hearts of the sons of God, and that wants to reign in every heart so to free them from every form of slavery (Heb 2:15): moral, physical or spiritual.

This is the balm (Sir 6:16) of Love of the Divine Spirit, the balm that heals and soothes all pain. This is God’s elixir of life, given to all those who want to observe His teachings.

Mary, Mother Church, New Jerusalem, says to all those who come Here to be filled by the live action of the Divine Spirit: «Let yourselves be cleansed by His beneficial action. Let your eyes and your hearts be cleansed in order to be enlightened by His Light (Heb 6:4) and to become guiding torches that heat, because they receive true love and give pure love. Be pure (Rev 14:4), be holy (Rev 13:10b; 14:12; 18:20; 19:8b; 22:11), be faithful (Rev 17:14), so to receive right from now the gaze of the Son (Mt 19:26; Lk 9:38; 19:5; Jn 1:42b; Acts 4:29) and to be able to see the Face of the Father (Jn 12:45; 14:7-9; 5:37- 38, cf. Mt 11:27, Psalm 27:8)».