Come back to the Father to be cleansed and regenerated

God the Almighty Father has loved the world so much that He gave again to all His sons, a part of Himself, a part of His Heart, Christ, His only begotten Son (Jn 3:16), sent down to the Land of Love to reconcile, in Christ, His Fatherly Heart (2Cor 5:19; Col 1:20) with the heart of His sons, giving everyone His grace and His infinite mercy.

In the New Jerusalem (Rev 21:2), God has established His home so to welcome as Father, as Son and as Holy Spirit, all Christians and all the men and women of good will. Here is where God has established His Home, a solid, living and holy House, “the” House (Rev 21:3), the Place where all those who want to walk the right Way, are to come to worship the only God and to receive the one only Truth (Jn 14:6); the Place where all those who want and will want to be redeemed from their past, are to come so to live a new and renewed daily life in the Name of the Son of God (Mk 10:45), for wanting to be ready and holy in fulfilling His Will.

Here is the Place where God is worshiped, the true God, One and Triune. «Ask for your thirst to be quenched and you will be given the Water (Jn 4:14) of Life (Rev 21:6). Ask to get knowledge of God (Lk 11:9; Jn 15.7) and He will manifest Himself to you with all His Love, manifesting Himself in His splendour as Child. Make room in your heartand allow the gaze of Baby Jesus to enter you (Col 2:2), so to lighten the burdens, cancel the sins (Ps 50:11), overcome your “self” by embracing the true God».

Outside of the New Jerusalem, the world is in trouble, it’s out of breath and is more and more losing and will lose the Way (Ps 1:6). One only is the Way (Ps 26:11) to Heaven; just as one only is the Master (Mt 23:10), who gives His sonsHis teachings of true Life (1Tm 6:19), so that Life, the Father’s gift, may be again lived and practiced totally in Christ and Mary. Those who do not live goodness, righteousness, generosity and the human and Christian authenticity, are not animated by good intentions. Those who live for the world (Jn 8:23) do everything in persuading the world to praisethem, caress them and idolize them, so to become idols themselves. The hand of God the Almighty Father annihilates every idol (Ezk 30:13; Mic 5:13). The Spirit of God the Almighty Father consumes every idolatry (Zec 13:2). The essence of God the Almighty Father annihilates all what is world and all what would want to take the upper hand over the sons of God. 

This is the time of Grace (Ps 56:4) and of Mercy (Ps 29:11; 43:27) given by the Father to every son who wants to live these times intensely in prayer (Ps 129:2; 139:7; 140:2) and in fraternal union (Acts 2:42), so that prayer may return to be the centre of the life for all Christians and brotherhood may reign in the hearts of all those who want to live the spiritual docility (Jas 1:21), the human righteousness (Tb 4:6) and the unwavering will (2Cor 8:12) to be holy and truthful in their way of being and acting.

Those who want to live this time of grace and mercy (Ps 50:3) in perfect and total union with the One and Triune God, are to put the Ten Commandments at the centre of their lives (1Jn 2:3; Rev 17:12), so to live, on the example of Christ, true God and true Man, “the” Commandment of the Commandments, that of Love, towards God and towards their neighbour (Lk 10:27), to live one another as true brothers, on the example of Christ and Mary. Here is the total and perfect union between ministers and faithful, between brothers and sisters who live one another so to allow the Mystery of God to be lived, which is now attacked and denigrated but will never succumb, because it’s Heaven’s will.

Every knee shall bow before Christ the Lord (Phil 2:10) and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord (Phil 2:11). «Come back to the Father, you all, and He will give you rest (Mt 11:28), allowing you to be immersed and purified in His Holy Font (Jn 5:7), “the” Font of the Holy Spirit, cleansing water (Tit 3:5) of all souls, where every sin will be cleansed (Ps 50:4), where every guilt will be cancelled (Ps 64:4; 102.3) how much more great is and will be the will to get back on the right path with a contrite and humiliated heart (Ps 50:19) to be cleansed within (Sir 38:10), to offer the Lord their life (Jn 10:17) and their daily life, by saying, on the example of She who is Mother in Faith: ” I love You, Jesus, I love You so much, I rely on You, do not leave me alone. Do with me as You please: Your Will be done”».