Mary, the Masterpiece Of God
On this holy and solemn day, the sons of God thank the Almighty Father for having given us His most beautiful work: Mary (Ps 21:32).
From this Land of Love, the sons of God listen to His Voice (Dt 6:4), listen to His Heart and savour His Love, the living, true and holy Love. A Love that Mary, the Masterpiece of God, the Immaculate of the Holy Spirit, has handed out for the love of Her sons who have reached the White Island to be shaped by Her Heart of Mother, Bride and Queen.
Those who, having reached the Mother Church, Mary New Jerusalem, have tasted Her Love and have kept It alive in their hearts, will now receive all Her Love, Her vivid gratitude and Her gaze for ever. Those who, having arrived to the Mother Church, Mary New Jerusalem, have recognized the Masterpiece of the Father, will receive their recompense already from now (Ps 118:112). Those who, having reached the Mother Church, Mary New Jerusalem, have welcomed Her words, Her voice, Her Love and have grown in this Love, will receive already from now all what they desire as reward in order to have Life, true Life, Eternal Life (Mt 19:29).
Those who today recognize themselves as sons of Mary and, declaring their love for Mary will keep the true faith (2Tm 4:7), will receive the living benevolence of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. On the contrary, those who on this day, instead of ascending to Heaven with heart and spirit, descend into the deepest humanity, will meet Michael the Archangel, Mary’s Defender, who will rise up with his sword and will reach them. Just as he defends Mary, the Archangel Michael will defend every son of Mary, She who is the all pure one, the all beautiful one, the all holy one: the Masterpiece of God, the Work shaped by His hands (Ps 18:2).
She who generated the Son of God (Mt 1:23) is Mother, Queen and Bride. Mary is: the key, the anchor, the pearl, the source, the one who gave the vine to the world (Jn 15:1). Whoever drinks the water from the source of life will have eternal life, will have consolation, will receive every knowledge that can bear fruit for the good of every son and every man and woman of good will.
The mystery of salvation began in Mary. The Word (Jn 1:1) manifested His Essence in Mary. At the behest of the Father’s will, the action of the Holy Spirit is alive in Mary to make us live. Mary: Sign (Is 7:14) of union between all that is old and all that is new; Sign of union of a living and holy renewal: that renewal that starts from the Heart of Mary to allow to understand the complete Truth (Jn 16:13) and to understand in the depths the dynamism of the living action of the Holy Spirit. A living action which must be completed to reach the goal (Phil 3:14; Pt 1:9), the core of the Father’s will.
Mary is the One who has remained docile to the Father’s will (Ps 39:9) and to the Father’s Heart; Mary is the One who remained in living obedience (Lk 1.38), thereby allowing us to already glimpse the total obedience of the Son (Phil 2:8). Mary has never thought she was deceived by the Father. Here is that living and holy fusion between Mother and Son, in order to be able to understand the saving mission that leads straight to the Father’s Heart.
In these hard and difficult times, the true sons of God are called to well understand not so much the new humanism but the new Christianity, which is deeply rooted in the past and which now relaunches and puts Christ Way, Truth and Life back at the centre (Jn 14: 6), to disperse every unholy thought and every action aimed to make the living and true action of the Son of God fade away (Rev 19:11). Only by letting ourselves be renewed by the Light we can be celestial; only by letting our heart be clothed by the Light (Lk 2:32), which is Christ, we can be reborn to new life by being reborn from Above (Jn 3:7) to fully know God and be filled with His utter fullness (Eph 3:19).
Here is that the Father works and intervenes in the daily life of every son so that His will can be completed, so to give relief to those who, fighting for the true Good, keep the true faith (Jdt 3); and for all those who testify the true faith in Christ and Mary with pride. A lightweight faith that is free from all human burdens and free from any thoughts in conflict with Christianity. Not a good that is hard to retain control on and that becomes personal for one’s own interests but “the” Good to manifest so that every man and every woman may recognize Christ as true God and true Man (Jn 17:3).
The white colour (cf. Mt 28:3) of the love of the Father and of Mary’s purity will once again become the centre and the true witnessing of belonging to God, so that every mask which hides an unholy action within may fall; so that whoever is really unfaithful (Ps 72:27) may receive his lot (Jb 27:13; Ps 93:2) and whoever instead has made faithfulness his own life may receive the eternal recompense of the Father as a dowry (Wis 5:15), so that all God’s sons may drink and eat at the wedding banquet with the Son of the One and Triune God (Mt 22:8-14).
The Father will restore order where disorder reigns (Prv 11:29); He will shake all those who find contentment in vices (Jd 7) and in human power, those who use (Ex 20,7) and abuse the name of God to be respected and praised.
On this living and holy day, for the faithful humanity that wants to rise again in Mary (Is 60:1) in order to conquer the world, the promise of our God is alive and holy (cf. Gen 22:16-18), and to His faithful sons He will give justice and peace (Ps 71:3; Is 60:17), Love (Ps 97.3) and holiness, in His Holy Name (Ps 29:5), for the sake of His sons and for the sake of the Church of Christ, founded on the Love that will never fade.
Love Mary and you will receive Her Love (Lk 1:49). Place all yourselves at the service of the Mother Church (Lk 1:38.48) to conquer the Heart of Mary, in order to know, live and love Jesus more and more, The One who will rule with a sceptre of fire (cf. Rev 19:5), so to govern and make peace reign on this Earth (Lk 2:14).