The communion of heart,
soul and spirit with the Body of Christ
“I am the Bread of Life” (Jn 6:48). Anyone who believes, “anyone who eats this bread will live for ever” (Jn 6,51b). Christ is the Source of Life. Christ, the living Bread come down from Heaven (Jn 6:51a), has descended again to the Land of Love to raise up His sons to new life, to allow them to be born again from Above (Jn 3:7), in the Spirit, and to feed them with His Bread, fresh, good, fragrant and genuine. This is the decisive challenge for the salvation of humanity: to preserve the fragrance and the authenticity of the living Bread come down from Heaven, so that no one will lack its essence and substance.
The sons of this Mother Church have accepted the announcement of God’s Maiden who proclaimed the New Jerusalem, the Kingdom promised by the Father (Lk 22:29) who sent again, on June 13, 1947, a part of His Heart into this world, manifesting His real desire to move away from a house that previously was but no longer would have been, so to remove what would have increasingly become putrid over time, to the point of reaching the definitive fall of March 13, 2013, date when with full awareness, the distribution of another bread has started, a new and human bread, no longer in conformity with the original essence and substance of the living Bread descended from Heaven. That extravagant bread, similar in appearance but counterfeit in the essence and substance of the original Bread, no longer feeds for eternity, because not consecrated by the Spirit of Christ (Jn 4:24) and no longer infused with His scent, His candour, His sweet essence that gives eternal Life.
God’s sons want to be nourished by the Spirit who gives life, to live the true communion with the One who is Bread: a communion made with heart, soul and spirit, of those who want to become one with Him who is One and Triune, is Way, Truth and Life (Jn 14:6), who manifests Himself to His sons in the same essence that transmits the substance which is Love, the Love made flesh (Jn 1:14) which is Life.
Here is the metaphysical dimension to which God’s sons who inhabit the New Jerusalem are called: to live in this world although not belonging to it (Jn 8:23; 15:19); to live the human reality by already belonging to what is divine; to live Earth with the body and what is material but already belonging to Heaven with heart, soul and spirit.
In the New Jerusalem, the words of Jesus are fulfilled: “In truth I tell you, I shall never drink wine any more until the day I drink the new wine in the kingdom of God” (Mk 14:25). Here is the Corner of Heaven on Earth that leads God’s sons to daily live the communion of heart, soul and spirit with Jesus, the living Bread come down from Heaven, the Word made flesh, the essential and substantial nourishment of those who live to be holy: flee from all that is sin (Rm 8:2; 1Cor 15:56) to always be prepared and ready to live the communion of heart, soul and spirit with Jesus. This means to be regenerated in the Spirit (1Pt 3:23), to live as risen (Col 3:1), following the example of the One who is risen and lives forever.
Where the Divine Spirit is, there is the Eucharist, there is the Real Presence of the Body and Blood of the Lamb immolated for the salvation of His sons (Rev 5:12). Where instead there is no longer the Spirit of Christ there can be no Eucharist, because one cannot seek and find the One who is alive among those who have died (Lk 24:5). “It is the spirit that gives life, the flesh has nothing to offer. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life” (Jn 6:63). Jesus is not present in the bread in which there is no longer either Spirit or Life. Jesus is present when our heart is in communion with His Most Sacred Heart, when our spirit is in communion with His Holy Spirit, when our heart is in communion with His Heart, with His teachings (Mt 7:21), with His Life.
Jesus did not manifest Himself in many of the requests made to the Father by the ministers who were not in communion with His Heart. Jesus did not enter the hearts of many faithful unworthy of receiving Him, although the consecration of the Bread and Wine had been validly answered by Heaven (1Cor 11:27-29). What it is not wanted to be understood is that no one can exploit Jesus or unworthily make use of His Name, His Body or His blood.
Jesus is where there is the communion with His Spirit, with His Life. This is the essence of those who, in Christ, with Christ and for Christ, want to serve to love, to serve to make grow, to serve to sanctify. Die to your ‘self’ (Jn 12:24) to be born again in the Spirit of Truth (Jn 16:13) who leads God’s sons to the Father’s Dwelling (Rev 21:3), in the living Tabernacle, which will lead everyone to live the eternal youth.
Here is the meaning of the living, continuous and throbbing Mass, celebrated every day by God’s Son in communion with His sons, in communion with Mary, She who immolated Herself with Her Son (Rev 5:9) for the love of Her sons, in the living and eternal communion of heart, soul and spirit of the Coredemptrix with the Redeemer, to be one with the Father (Jn 10:30; 17:21).