The Divine Spirit guides
the reawakening of God’s sons
The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, ARE (Mt 28:19). And the Spirit will convince the world about sin, judgment and justice (Jn 16:8). Therefore, whoever has faith (Hab 2:4) and whoever believes in God, in the only begotten Son of God (Jn 11:25-26), will live. Whoever does not believe in God will die (Jn 3:18.36).
This is the Spirit (Gal 4:6) given to everyone, so that they may believe in Jesus, the One sent by God (Jn 12:44): believe in His works (Jn 10:38), believe in His word, believe in Him, essence and substance of the Father; believe in the One who is alive, is Person: believe in the Spirit of Truth who leads all God’s sons to contemplate the face of God (Jn 4:24), and leads by the hand, every son and all those yearning to know the Truth, which will be completely revealed (Jn 16:13).
All those far from the Truth, are called, in this time of mercy and justice, to open their hearts so to acknowledge, in the signs (Jn 7:31), the action of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Whoever invokes the Holy Spirit will have his heart purified (Acts 2:21) and will approach the complete Truth. Ask and it will be given to you (Mt 7:7). Knock, and the door will be opened to you (Lk 11:9). Ask to obtain the friendship of the Divine Spirit so to fully live His brotherhood, so that whoever asks in faith may draw close to His Heart to contemplate God’s essence (Jn 15:7).
From the New Jerusalem, the Corner of Heaven on Earth (Rev 21:2), God pours out His Spirit (Acts 2:33), a living and eternal Spirit, a Spirit who has re-established His covenant here, renewing and restoring the new-covenant, made by the Father with the first Christians (Rev 2:7). From the Land of Love, the Place where the Spirit has placed His Home (Rev 21:3), God’s action begins, the action of the resurgence of God’s sons, of the reawakening of God’s sons (Ps 16:15) and of the infinite love for the only God, the only Lord, the only Saviour (Is 19:20).
Now as then, the works and signs of God will help many to understand the Truth, so to be able to welcome the Mystery of God wanted by the Father in this blessed Land. From its fruits, the Tree of God will be recognized (Mt 7:17-18). From Her holy fruits, the work of the Mother Church will be recognized (Lk 6:43). The Church that the Father, over time and betimes, has wanted and established on this Holy mountain, has the Tabernacle at the centre of its city (Rev 21:23), where the faithful sons can worship God in Spirit and Truth (Jn 4:23), so that the Truth may be inwardly understood and no longer will anybody be deceived.
On the Holy Mountain of God is the image of the Child Jesus, sign of His Goodness, sign of His Fatherhood, sign of His Invincibility (Jdt 16:13). The world will see and recognize the mark of the Father (Heb 1:3), because the Spirit of Truth (Jn 14:17) will instil more and more knowledge and wisdom in the hearts of His sons. And in His Holy Name, everything will happen again: many will regain their sight, many will regain their hearing, many will regain the vigour of life, because many hearts will be reinvigorated (Mt 11:5-6). Many others will receive the reward of eternal life. Others instead, those who have abused God’s Name, taking possession of what is His, will receive another kind of reward, just and veracious (Jn 5:29). The falsehood will be struck by the Spirit of Truth. All iniquity will be struck (2Ts 2:3). The house that has become a den of vipers (Mt 21:13), in which is the heart of wickedness (Lc 20:47), will be struck. And the Father will test those who have unconditionally placed their trust in the hands of iniquity.
In this time, the faithful sons of God will know how to be straight and strong, so to manifest the one only Church, the mystical Body of Christ, which will never fade because it is eternal (Mt 16:18).
The Father’s Spirit is poured out again in fullness on His sons (cf. Acts 2:3-4) so that the Paraclete (Jn 14:16) may lead Christians and all men and women of good will to practice the righteousness, with sapience and wisdom, so that every grace asked in accordance with the Father’s will, may be granted by the Father and obtained by the sons.
Strong, holy and truthful. These are the distinguishing features of the sons of the Mother Church which is animated by the Divine Spirit (Jn 14:26), sent by the Father to the Land of Love to make the complete Truth understood and to allow many to enter more and more the Heart of the eternal Paternal Goodness (Lk 1:78), so to be true men and true Christians and to manifest themselves as living beings in His Name (Rom 6:11).
God marks His faithful sons with His seal of Father, Son and Holy Spirit (2Cor 1:22; Rev 7:3-4) so that everything may be accomplished. The hand of the Father (Ps 137:7; 143:7) is increasingly lowering on this world to give strength and courage to those who fight for the Truth; and also to stop even more those who want to fight against the Truth (Ex 10:21), against Jesus, the Saviour (Is 43:11; Lc 2:11), the Almighty (Rev 11:17), the King of kings and Lord of lords (Rev 19:6). Power and Strength belong to our God for ever and ever (Rev 7:12). Amen.