Christ’s Church renewed in Love
The Church, the mystical Body of Christ (Col 1:18), is formed by the saints and by those who, in their being friends (Jn 15:15) and brothers of Jesus, on His example, have given and give their life to the Father, joining their hearts to His Heart, in that holy union that finds fulfilment in the Cross of Christ (Mt 16:24; Mk 8:34), the indelible sign of God’s infinite Love: Love of the Man‑God who took everything upon Himself (Col 1:20; Phil 2:8) raising it up to the Father in order to free every son who, in the Cross of Christ, sees himself, recognises himself and finds himself (1Pt 2:24).
On the holy and solemn Day in which the union between Heaven and Earth is alive, the heavenly life-blood reaches the hearts of the sons of God (Jn 1:12), so that with one voice everyone may praise God and sing His praises, those praises that lead and will lead all the sons to their final destination, the Heart of the Father, the Land of Love, the New Jerusalem, the place where eternity and holiness are lived (Phil 3:14).
The world has not understood and does not want to understand the true Love (Eph 3:19), Christ the Love (Jn 4:24). Therefore, Heaven bends down on the Land of Love to unite and manifest His living closeness and His living work, so that the sons of the Mother Church may increasingly manifest the call they received: apostles of all peoples (Mt 10:2); messengers of the one Truth (Jn 15:26); bringers of the Holy Spirit (Jn 16:13), so that the world may be clothed again with His Light, with the Light that radiates every heart allowing many to become lamps of the one and true faith: faith in the Son of God (Mt 16:16), true Man and true God. By knowing, loving and having faith in the Man God, we become true men and thus good, upright, loyal and authentic Christians, making of our own heart, life and actions a daily offering pleasing to God, the Father Almighty.
This is the teaching of Christ’s Church, which brings in Its dowry the living and timeless teachings (Ps 118:2) that the world does not want to understand but that must be embodied by those who are animated by good will, removing all temptations and overcoming evil and sin (Mt 6:13). Sin separates man from God. In sin, man is united with the world, with a world that rejects God and His Work, His intervention and His friendship (Rom 5:12). God the Father Almighty will judge every man for the works, for the faith and for the charity used during their life. In sin there is no light and there is no way to be clothed by the light and grace of God (Rom 6:23). The light and grace of God are alive where there is will (1Jn 2:17) and humility (Lk 1:48), obedience (Heb 5:8) and purity (Sir 51:20), love (Mt 22:37-40) and prayer (Ps 140:2).
The Child Jesus came down from Heaven in the Land of Love to bring Light and grace again (Jn 1:14) so that everyone may have the opportunity again to live a righteous and holy, good and truthful life, thus becoming tools in the hands of a God who only wants the good of His sons.
This is the Church of Christ. This means living the Church of Christ, in the union with the first Apostles and friends of Jesus, those who received the teachings of the Master and who have made those teachings known to all the peoples (Mt 28: 19-20), facing and overcoming, they too, many polemics (Acts 4:7), many hardships (Acts 5:17-18) and many slanders and conspiracies (Acts 23:20-21). But the Spirit of the living God remained alive in them (Acts 27:29). The Father has never abandoned their actions, their work, their daily life. By offering and suffering, those first friends have set up the authentic and living Christianity in the hearts of all the sons of God (Acts 28:25-30).
In the Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem, the sons of God are called in these hard and difficult times, to come back to live that originality which has its roots in the past, so to make the people to live the present and to gather them, so to bring all men of good will to live the eternity. (2 Pt 3:18).
The sons of the Mother Church must feel spurred to love and to continue to love, to spread the one and holy doctrine which is Christ (2Tm 4:1-4), so that at the proclaiming of His Name every knee will bend (Phil 2:10), with the strength of the Spirit and with the Love for the Truth, which the world does not understand but which the men of goodwill want to seek and find: that Truth that makes us free (Jn 8:32) and will nullify the strayings that others have created, so that the sons of God would return to the one Way, which is Christ (Jn 14:6), in the one Sheepfold and in the only Courtyard where the Love of God has placed His tent (Rev 7:15-17 ), stable and eternal, to make everyone live the essence of the “Church”, the Assembly of the believers in Christ, Church of Christ, timeless and eternal (Mt 16:18), the Church that makes the sons be in communion with the Heart of the Father (1Jn 1: 3), the only One who gives Life (Jn 17:3).