June 13, the day of feast
and Liberation of the New Christians
June 13 is the day of Life. On this day, the Child Jesus has once again descended on Earth to give His Love and His Peace to all His sons and to all men and women of good will. Those who have welcomed, welcome and will welcome again the Word made flesh, the Love made Man (Jn 1:14), are and will be the new sons, the sons of the New Jerusalem, the “new Christians” of this humanity.
All those who today, with a sincere heart, invoke the Child Jesus; all those who today with a sincere heart, ask the Father to help them to remain firm in faith (1Cor 16:13) in the Son Jesus; all those who today shine with the Light, with the Light which is Jesus, Christ the Light (Jn 1:4) descended from Heaven in the New Jerusalem, will receive the gift of the immense joy, the infinite love and the living fatherhood of God the Almighty Father, so that the new Christians may be holy just as the heavenly Father is holy (Mt 5:48), alive just as the Son of God is alive (Jn 5:26), and charitable just as every “Christian” (1Cor13,2-3) should be, for their wanting to live totally in the Son Jesus and in the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
June 13 is the solemn day of celebration, in which Heaven and Earth are united in one reality; is the day in which Jesus gives all His Love and all His living brotherhood to the new Christians, breaking every chain (Is 58: 6) and giving His joy as Father, as Son and as Holy Spirit to the hearts of His faithful sons who have remained steadfast in faith.
The new Christians are called to stand, in essence and in substance, against every kind of slavery; the new Christians are called to be, in essence and in substance, obedient, humble and upright (Php 2:8), just as Mary, Mother of God and universal Mother, is upright: She who made righteousness to be the path of every son of God. The new Christians are called to embody the virtues of Mary in order to fully live the gift of life, which is manifested on June 13 in the Land of Love, in the sign of the Son of God (Mt 24:30), descended into the New Jerusalem (Rev 21:2) to bring order and holiness back at the centre of the daily life of every “son” of God.
In baptism, Christians become “sons” (Jn 1:12). In the Divine Spirit, Christians are saints. And, in the Land of Love, Christians are free because they experience and live in the true and eternal freedom that the Father gives and wants to give to all those who arrive to the Little Cradle of Baby Jesus to believe, to live and to overcome the world.
June 13 is the day in which the Father has sent a part of Himself back into this world (Acts 1:11), to make up for a rampant lack of love, to make up for a rampant disaffection towards His Name; to make up for a total lack of charity that was at that time and still exists today.
From that June 13, 1947 onwards, Heaven shaped the heart of a little Girl who truly cared about the fate of Christianity. The hands of the Master shaped the heart of that little Girl who became a Maiden to allow Her pure Heart to totally give the essence and substance of the Father, so that through the divine Fruit which came down from Heaven to the New Jerusalem, many could find the true faith, the true Love made Man: Christ the Way, Christ the Truth, Christ the Light (Jn 14:6), the Light descended from Heaven which gives Life, which is Life. In the Truth, God’s sons have been sealed in the name of the living God (Jn 17:17) to obtain Life as a dowry (Jn 10:10), that many have not understood, and others have recognised as being the sign of the living fatherhood of God the Almighty Father.
The world did not understand the gift given by the Father (Jn 1:10). But those who have welcomed Him, now live and will never perish, because where God is, there is Life and there is no room in the New Jerusalem for weeping or lamentation, nor for mourning or for grief (Rev 21:4), because the former things have passed away and God makes all things new (Rev 21:5).
The new Christians already live the new reality, in the full awareness of their being “sons” and not orphans, sure of the presence and love of the Mother and of the Father, that has renewed and strengthened, in Christ, the Covenant of the Father in the New Jerusalem, to allow, before time runs out, all those who are motivated by the will to adhere to the Father’s Plan may undertake the last journey to reach eternal freedom and eternal salvation. One is the Way, one is the Truth and one is the Life (Jn 14:6). And Only Begotten is the Spirit, who is Man in the Son (Jn 1:18; 3:16.18; 1Jn 4:9).