Lent: time to return to live God
Lent is a time of grace and marks a new beginning: the propitious time to live and return to live God as the only primary Good, therefore placing at the centre the Love for God (Mt 22:37) and for our neighbours. (Mt 22:39).
In this time every son of God and every man and woman of good will is called to return to the right path (Pr 23:19), to remove every contempt and rivalry, to remove every envy and jealousy, to remove war and sin which enslaves and will enslave this world more and more (Jn 8:34), which is already slave of itself and of its own wickedness.
Return to the right path, return to God, repent and ask for forgiveness (Ps 129:4). Return to peace, so to look at your neighbours and be able to love; to love one another and be able to look at God, to repent and to be true fearers of God. By this true and profound attitude, you can restore order and righteousness. By these holy weapons, you can find brotherhood and harmony again. The weapons of love and humbleness bring you to understand your neighbours. By the weapons of goodness and loyalty you are able to understand and love your neighbour as yourself (Mk 12:33). By loving yourself you love the One who has generated everything and everyone, He who gave the breath of Life and has shaped His sons to be holy (Lv 20:26), as so they were supposed to remained.
Live the Light (Jn 1:9), look at the Light and have the courage to ask for the strength of the Light and the warmth of the Light so to gain new Life (Jn 3:5) unclothing yourselves from your old self (Col 3:9), so to be able to say to Heaven: «Here I am. I want to be reborn and win against myself so to be able to love You, Jesus, who gave me life for love, only for love».
The world lives in contempt. Here is the rivalry and the selfishness that reign supreme in this world (1Jn 2:9). Men quest revenge for every wrong: a human revenge that crushes the heart and annihilates the mind. God is Love and manifested Himself in Christ (1Jn 4:8): Merciful and righteous Love, which hands out His forgiveness and His justice. And as judge and legislator of this world, Jesus manifests the line of conduct of the Father who, by His eternal judgment, guides, examines everything and acts in love; and intervenes with love (Ps 10:5).
God’s justice is different from men’s justice (2Tm 4:8). God’s justice is hinged on the love for our neighbour (Wis 1:1). And as Judge of this world, Jesus invites and calls again every man and woman of good will to not look at their neighbour as someone to offend and crush but as someone to save and guide to holiness, by means of love, that love that men have for themselves and that should instead be poured out to those around us.
Only with this attitude and feeling we can return to live better human relationships so to be able to live the spiritual ones as well, in that unique action of the Holy Spirit, who loves, embraces and brings us to live (Jas 4: 5).
In the New Jerusalem, the Father’s breath is alive and continually regenerates to new life (Rm 6:4): that life which we ought to love, welcome and never leave.
Everyone is to put brotherhood, and not selfishness, into practice with the power of the Spirit and with the audacity that all God’s sons must spread. Everyone is to put love into practice: individually, by loving their own life as a gift from the Father; collectively, by loving their brothers, as an assembly, so to manifest their being part of the Church of Christ; and by loving their neighbours, as a community of persons, so to be, as nations and peoples, a single expression of God’s love. Only with these good intentions we can return to live life in the fullness, the sacred gift given to us by the Father, in order to be perfect, as the Father is perfect (Mt 5:48).
Everyone is to aspire to attain that holiness required by the Father, with all their might, with an adamantine will to be truthful and holy.
Renounce iniquity, renounce its every action and all what is evil (Rm 12:9).
Come to Jesus, to be reinvigorated in your body and soul (Mt 11:28). Defend what is holy and love all that is humanly good, showing to be true men and true Christians, so that there may be the right condition for which what is human may even more live what is divine.
Come to Jesus, all you who hunger and thirst for uprightness (Mt 5:6), do not take the law into your own hands so that the Father may render you justice and holiness.
Come to Jesus, you who are oppressed because of His Name (Lk 4:18). And Jesus will turn that oppression into holiness, lavished upon you to shine for eternity.
Come, you who need to know the true Love (Eph 3:19), Christ the Love, because you have been plagiarized and grown up in a world that has despised everything. Be converted and believe in Jesus and in His Spirit, who is and lives in this Church. The New Jerusalem (Rev 21:2): the only anchor of salvation and burning torch of the Father’s love.
The world has become a desert. In the Land of Love there is the oasis of eternal life, where a crystal-clear water gushes from the Father’s Heart (Rev 22:1): a living and holy water welling up to restore you and to bring you to holiness (Jn 4:14). By drinking that water, you will no longer need to wander around seeking something to quench your thirst. The New Jerusalem is the Mountain (Jn 4:21) onto which the Father has spread his Tent (Rev 7:15). In this House you will be watered and fed, because love nourishes everything: that holy and living Love which is Man in the New Jerusalem (Rev 7:17).
Love so as not to despise. Love so to react in holiness (Lk 6:27), thus manifesting your dignity as sons of God. Love not with hypocrisy but with righteousness and loyalty, manifesting your being sons who obey the law of man, respecting first and foremost the law of God (Mk 12:17). By respecting the law of God, we are true men and true Christians. And every interpersonal relationship will be ever more productive and holy.
This is the Law given to us by the Father (Mk 10:19), so that every civil society could and can sustain itself and have His word as a guideline, to live in peace and harmony.
In every age there has been an evolution. In every age the word of the Father has been fulfilled to then reach its fulfilment again, making every society live under the banner of His words. In Christ, the law reaches its fulfilment (Mt 5:17). And in this fulfilment there is the wisdom of God and the wisdom of man that, by merging into one another, give life to what is Life, receiving eternity as a gift, so that heart, soul and spirit may live in the spiritual oneness that blows and regenerates every heart and soul.
Come back to living God as the only primary Good and nothing will be lacking (Ez 18:32). The time is now (Mk 1:15).