Peace be with you all
Jesus will never desert those who entrust themselves to Him. Jesus will never desert those who are His friends (Jn 15:15). “Peace be with you all”, said the Master at that time, in His apparition to His friends bringing them comfort and love (Jn 20:19). And in the same way as at that time all doubts faded away and they all recognized and adored Him as “the” Lord and Master, exclaiming: “My Lord and my God” (Jn 20:28), so will happen now. Jesus rises and returns to the Land of Love to overcome all doubts, to overcome all human oppositions and to help His friends recognize and adore the one Lord, who will never abandon those who have left everything to embrace His friendship.
Baby Jesus has come down again (Acts 1:11) to give everyone His Peace. Peace be to all men of good will. Peace be to all those who live and love the one Truth. Peace be to all who suffer. Peace be to all the oppressed. Peace be to those who cry for freedom. In the New Jerusalem your peace comes. By His resurrection, Jesus here gives you freedom (Jn 8:32). Easter is the day of light and infinite holiness: the day that overpasses man’s time to embrace the infinity of God. On Easter, Jesus proclaims His life (Mt 28:6.9), which brings new Life and conveys the essence and substance of the Christian message, which pours out and radiates from the Little Cradle to declare the Father’s will to the whole world and to gather all the peoples who want to meet and know the one Truth that saves, the one Saviour (Jn 4:42), so that all people may recognize and find themselves in His redemption. The Christian essence is the Love in the Son of God. This is the heart of faith: whoever believes in Him will not die (Jn 11:25); whoever rejected or condemned Him will perish (Jn 3:18).
This is Easter for all God’s sons: rebirth to new life (Jn 3:7), renewed in His offering and in His infinite love. By His offering and sacrifice, Jesus gives His complete love and living peace to all his sons. Easter of life for the sons of God; Easter of judgment for those who pierced Him (Lk 11:31). The hour has come. As it happened then, so is happening now. All those who have taught over time a doctrine different from His teachings, all those who have scattered the flock of God by means of their work, their words and their actions, will face the judgment of the Father (Jn 3:19).
During the time of Easter, the Son of the living God will kindle the hearts of His sons with the burning flame of His love and His fire. A living flame, which comes from the Father and the Son, which will burn and pulverize every sin and every lie (Mt 3:12) of those who have abused the word of Jesus, abusing the little ones and deceiving the hearts of the simple who want to keep alive their faith in Jesus Christ, King of kings and Lord of lords (Rev 19:16).
Rejoice you all who find support and comfort in Jesus’ love. Rejoice and gather around Mary, She who is Mother (Jn 19:26-27), just as the first men and women disciples of Jesus did, who gathered together in the love of Mary to win; not to stop but to restart and win.
The love of the Risen Christ, the Redeemer, and the love of Mary, the Coredemptrix, crosses every border to reach every corner of the Earth (Mk 16:15). In the Love of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Jesus will light up, in many hearts, the Beacon of recognition of His Love, the only Beacon of Light that will illuminate this arid and lost humanity, so that many may find and recognize the only Way which leads to salvation, that is Christ; embrace the one Truth that saves, that is Christ; and be deserving of inheriting Eternal Life, that is Christ (Jn 14:6), who dwells in this Land blessed by the Father to give everyone His Love and His Peace.
«Peace be with you» (Jn 20:26). This is the greeting that reechoes today in Heaven and on Earth, in the wait of the final fulfilment that will bring stable Peace on all Earth, in Christ, with Christ and for Christ.
During Easter, the Christian resurgence comes alive, manifesting the authenticity of the living God, who dwells in a living House, made up of hearts and souls, of men and women who live to become saints, and in union with the angels of Heaven, gather together in the New Jerusalem to praise God every day (Rev 5:13-14).
Time has come to the full and the Father’s will is total, because the Father has listened to the prayers of His sons, manifesting His goodness in the essence of His divine response, so to give joy and holiness to us all. The living offering made by heart and will, united with the offering of the sacrificed Lamb (Rev 5:12), are the completion of the Christian action, renewed in these last times, in which the divine infallibility will manifest the human incongruity of those who have forgotten the omnipotence of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
In the New Jerusalem (Rev 21:3) Jesus manifests His power as the true King and here the world and the Sanhedrin can do nothing. For the world and for the Sanhedrin, the doors of this House are and will be closed (Is 51:1). The doors of the Holy City (Rev 21:10) are open and will open more and more for those who want and will want to live here in holiness, making it even more shining and luminous (Is 60:1), pure-white and holy (Cant 4:1.7), pure and graceful (Cant 6:4), prepared for Her Spouse (Rev 21:2), so that all that is past may be forgotten and all that is new and renewed may be made manifest and holy (Rev 21:5).