The communion of hearts
in the one Body, in the one Spirit
Christ is the Way, the Truth and Life (Jn 14:6). The Word made flesh (Jn 1:14), is Love, is Spirit and Life. The flesh, without the Spirit, has nothing to offer nor gives Life (Jn 6:63).
Whoever believes in Christ, whoever believes in His Spirit, is united not in the “remembrance” of the Man Jesus but in the living union of the Spirit, who is Holy and “is” Man, “the” Man glorified in the action of the Son of God (Jn 17:1).
Whoever lives and will live all this, understands and will understand the spiritual and non-material essence and substance of the Body and of the Blood of Christ (Jn 11:25). Whoever lives and will live all this, understands and will understand the true communion of heart, soul and spirit with the Son of God (1Cor 1:9; 2Cor 13:13).
Christ is the true Vine (Jn 15:1). His sons are His branches (Jn 15:2), in the one Body that gives the lifeblood that comes from the Father (Jn 15:9) to nourish the heart, the soul and the spirit, so that all may be one (Jn 17:21), and so to give Love to all those who seek it; Love to those who do not know it; true Love to those who have lost it. The only essence and the only substance of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Here is the understanding of the one Spirit, who is One and Triune, and moves forward to bring all God’s sons and all those of good will to understand the complete Truth (Jn 16:13).
One is the Body (Rm 12:5), one is the Spirit (Eph 4:4). And the Spirit cannot be contained in a falling Body; that has already fallen. «What is rotten, will fall» it has been said. And what has already fallen will never rise again. But the Spirit moves forward, continues His action in history to bring people to understand the one holy Truth that saves (Jn 17:17).
This time on the Cross, there will no longer be the Body of Christ to be crucified again, that Body torn apart by the neglect and wickedness of man and of those who should have praised that Body, Temple of the Holy Spirit who is God (cf. Acts 2:23). On the Cross, nailed by the Father’s Justice, there will be the limbs (Mt 5:29) who have wanted to mislead and change the words and the teachings of God, One and Triune and who have betrayed the Body, that is Christ, and have betrayed the Holy Spirit (cf. 1Cor 6:15).
In the New Jerusalem (Rev 21:2), the Father has renewed and restored again what has fallen, for the glorious and triumphant advancing of the one Body, the one Spirit, to bring everyone to understand the right Way, the only Word, the only eternal Love that saves: Christ.
Now the Truth and the Spirit set the hearts free (Jn 8:32): from every human chain and from the corrupt limbs who have betrayed and continue to betray the Body and the Blood of the Son of God, who through the Spirit continues to manifest His essence and His substance, in His complete manifestation in the Place chosen by the Father (Rev 21:3) for the final fulfilment.
The burning torches of the Love of the One and Triune God, before the Tabernacle in the New Jerusalem where the Father’s Flame burns, will continue to make everyone live the eternal faith, the only faith which is life, eternal life (1Tim 6:12). In this Land of Love, Mary feeds with Her maternal love, that burning Flame that will never fade, to give and allow all God’s sons to live that one, holy and indissoluble bond with God: Son and Father, Father and Son, united in the one Spirit who is Holy (Wis 7: 22-23).