The Cross: the sign of rebirth
and reconquest of the sons of God
Those who undertake the Way to acknowledge the Truth, attain Eternal Life (Jn 14:6), which is only in Christ the Lord. For this is the Father’s will that, in union with that of the Son, ensure every son to receive the loved, promised and extolled Kingdom (Mt 6:33) as a gift.
This is the offering that starts from the Father’s heart and, with the total participation of the Son, obtains salvation (1Ts 5:9) for all those who recognise themselves in the Son and want to live Him and continue to love Him (Jn 1:12). A living offering ever more alive, which will no longer lead the sons of the Son and of the Father to the death on the cross but to die in the eyes of the world, in order to make die what is world and make the world see where salvation, the light, “the” Saviour (Lk 2:11) is.
So therefore, the Cross doesn’t symbolize the defeat of the Son and of the sons of God (Gal 6:14) but it’s the rebirth and the reconquest of the sons, in the Place and for the Place that the Father has given them: the New Jerusalem. As was written (Acts 1:11; Rev 21:2), now is.
Many live Good Friday in the far memory of the Sacrifice of the Son of God. For many it’s a faded memory of a spiritually sterile recurrence, celebrated only to save and safeguard the appearance of the remembrance of what was, without leaving a sign in the hearts and in the spirit: an old and stale tradition that recurs every year to save that apparent holiness, which in reality is bare of the true Spirit (Mk 7:8). That holy moment cannot be lived without warmth in heart, without giving the right prayer and the right spirituality to the heart, so to co‑participate and live and above all to rejoice for that memory that every day is renewed, becomes true, is: not only in words but in the everyday life, with our work, with our sacrifice, with our desire and will to be with Christ, for Christ and in Christ, to be true witnesses (Rev 19:10) of something that is not abstract but is real: the Love of Jesus our Brother, the Love of Jesus our Friend (Jd 21), the total Love of He who comes (Heb 10,37), who is alive and who does not leave His brothers on their own.
Jesus has abandoned a house – or better said: a courtyard of His house – which has become vicious and empty of His spirit (Rev 17:3), for always having been thinking and preferring to fill its granaries with all that is world, discarding what is Spirit, bringing their heart, actions and words to become sterile. A spiritual sterility that has annihilated God in many hearts, pursuing an action-line aimed to render them unproductive and victims, those who want to look to the Truth, to remain steadfast in the true faith trusting in He who is. All this has been lost (Rev 18:19) and has happened because of a human will and of a conscious “negligence”.
For the sons of God, this heavy yoke is now over. The yoke has become and will become heavier and heavier for those who have fornicated with the world (Rev 18:3) carrying out all sorts of abominations.
To co‑participate with Jesus means opening our hearts: not losing our freedom but conquering it in order to win, in the Name of He who is, in the Name of He who created everything, in the Name of He who has laid his gaze on the Land of Love to redeem all men of good will from sin (Lk 2:14) and to give them a new life renewed in His fatherly Goodness.
This is the true offering (Heb 10:9-10) for which Jesus has wanted to “give Himself” as Son of God: to give salvation; to restore dignity; to be as one with the Father (Jn 10:30) and to give, as friend, brother and master, His Love to His sons, to make everyone worthy of becoming many little Jesuses.
This is the Father’s will. And this is the Love of a Father for the sake of His sons, and He poured out all His Love in the New Jerusalem, the blessed Land. And this Love will be preserved from all kinds of predators and from all those who would want to corrupt it.
The true faith, the authentic faith, will never yield: it will shine and will be the only beacon of the Love of Jesus, of the infinite Love of Jesus. It will be the guide for all those who walk in the dark. It will be a beacon for those who live in the dark. It will be warmth for those who live in the cold. It will be support and shelter for those who do not have a home and especially for those who no longer have one (Rev 18:4).
Here is God’s Home (Rev 21:3). Come and see. And here you will find the Child Jesus (Lk 2:12).