The Holy Trinity advances,
coexists and converges into Christ the Love
God is Father, is Son and is Holy Spirit (Mt 28:19), the only expression of the true Love, of the only Love given to all mankind so that everyone could and can know, live and love Him (2Jn 3) to be in the Love in order to be for the Love and, by means of this Love, to be able to win against everything and everyone (1Jn 5:4-5): the Love of the Father, the Love of the Son and the Love of the Holy Spirit, who reveals the essence and the substance of the Trinity.
Here is that the substantiality of the Trinitarian Love converges in a unique expression and manifests and fulfils itself and is Man in the Son of God (Jn 1:14).
At that time, the world did not welcome the Love of the Son as manifestation of the living presence of the Father. A good Father who wanted to make His essence and His substance known to all humanity, so that His will as Father could be rooted in the heart of mankind and hence renew them in the true Love, so that every relationship and every thought would place a new way to relate and to fraternize as key basis, recognizing the brother and the Father in He who came to give life.
Humanity did not welcome the Son sent by the Father (Jn 1:1). The Son was loved by few and estranged by many because the logic of the world had exceeded the will of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Many did not work and no longer work to make known the will of God but only that of their “self”, which has become an absolute power not to be shared but to be used to crush people and to become themselves venerated as gods (cf. Mt 21,33-39). The living expression of God’s love has been and is once again put on the cross. And because of this, the Father has condemned those men and now condemns again those who, once again, persist in piercing and crucifying the Love (Rev 11:8), which has descended in the New Jerusalem and is alive.
The victory will belong to the Triune God (1Cor 15:57): to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, because the Father will grant and leave nothing to the unclean spirit, except the possibility of taking all the workers of iniquity with him. The Father condemns all forms of violence against His sons and against those who, by His will, manifest His essence and His substance.
God’s sons converge in the Father’s Love and are the living expression of God, One and Triune: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Source of eternal life (Rev 21:6).
In the Little Cradle of Baby Jesus that is the divine Tabernacle, the Father pours out His living fatherhood and distributes and will distribute it with Goodness and Wisdom to all those who want to know, live and love the Father, who will make everyone feel the earthquake (cf. Mt 27:54; 28:2) of His justice, to give His living and eternal Love to the upright and to strengthen His only and holy Covenant, that He has made for eternity in the New Jerusalem (Ezk 37:26).