Mary is the Golden Stairway,
the Door of the Kingdom of Christ
Mary is the Gateway to Heaven (Gen 28:17). Mary is the Door of the Kingdom (Rev 4:1). Mary is the Golden Stairway (Gen 28:12) that leads to Christ (Jn 2:5), the beating Heart of the Father (Jn 10:30). By climbing this Staircase, it is possible to promptly reach the promised Kingdom, that in the New Jerusalem already is and ever more will be (Rev 21:2), for all eternity.
In the Land of Love, Jesus has stored the key to empower the understanding of the Father’s Thought (Lk 1:38), so that all the things that would have been unveiled, could be understood by means of this key. This is the revelation handed over, in time and betimes, by the Master to Maria Giuseppina Norcia. Here is the key laying in the holiest and most sacred Shrine: She who is the sap of the Love of the Father and of the Son (Lk 1:49). And the Love of the Spirit hovers (Lk 1:35a) and infuses holiness into all hearts.
In order to be able to open the Door of the Kingdom and to look beyond what is human, we must be poor in heart and in spirit (Mt 5:3): poor in human wealth (Lk 1:53); poor in haughtiness (Lk 1:51); poor in uncleanliness (Mt 5:8); poor in everything that is a negation of the action of the Holy Spirit (Mt 12:31). Once having done this, we can pronounce the Name of Mary (Lk 1:27b), to receive the Light that opens the heart and enables us to acknowledge the Love made Person (Jn 1:14), the infinite Love; and wandering in It (Jn 12:24) to find ourselves new and renewed (Mk 8:35).
Not those who say “Lord, Lord” but those who do the will of the Good and Holy Father, will be worthy to live the Kingdom of Christ (Mt 7:21), which for many is a dream but in the New Jerusalem is real (Rev 21:1.10).
Many are those who will remain outside that Door. Many are the unbelievers. And when all takes place, no one is to knock at that Door any more (Mt 25:11), for the Door will be closed, and the King will celebrate inside with His sons and He will have no more time to listen to the cries and lamentations (Mt 25:12), for the former things have passed away (Is 65:17; Rev 21:4).