Peace to the sons who love Jesus
descended to the New Jerusalem
Peace be for all those who live and love the word and the Love of Jesus, with love and holiness; for all those who follow His teachings allowing His Love to reach the heart of everyone; for all those who want to open their hearts to the Truth, to He who is, to He who is the Way, the Truth and Life (Jn 14: 6).
The New Jerusalem (Rev 21:2) is the Corner of Heaven on Earth, the Place where the Father has spread His Tent (Rev 7:15), the one and holy Tent (Rev 15:5), the sign of the Covenant between the Father, the Son and His sons, those sons who have wanted to enter, to penetrate, to interpenetrate the metaphysical Abode of God: the New Jerusalem (Rev 21:3).
Here is the living glory of the Son of God that is alive more than ever in the New Jerusalem, the Land of the Father’s Love. Here is the Feast that will never end in the Land of Love, for it is eternal. In the New Jerusalem, Christ the Lord welcomes every son in His glory, allowing every heart that is ready, willing and prepared, to savour the joy of His Kingdom (Mk 11:10), that Kingdom that many have welcomed, many are longing for and many want to live.
Here is the living, pure and holy Kingdom (Rev 19:6): the Kingdom that many have discarded wanting to live a human kingdom (Rev 17:17), a humanity that is barren of the true Love which is Christ, the Love made Man (Jn 1:14).
In the New Jerusalem, the Love of Christ is total, the Love of the Father is alive so as alive is the Love of She who here gave birth to the Little Cradle of Baby Jesus, to the House of God, allowing Jesus to have rest on the prayers of many who come to the White Island to conquer this world; and so to free every heart tied to sin, so that sin will make room for the infinite Love of the Father, for the mercy of the Son and for the living and holy action of the Spirit, who purifies, sanctifies and redeems every heart ready to start all over again, every heart that in the New Jerusalem wants to rediscover the enthusiasm, the harmony and joy of living, so that life (Jn 10:10), the Father’s gift, may be savoured again in all its splendour and accepted again as the only and eternal gift: the greatest treasure (Mt 6:21); that treasure that man should always love, knowing how to preserve it and above all to make it shine; that treasure, but primarily that particle of divinity, which from the Father’s Heart reaches the heart of all those who love Him, and want to love Him above everything else (Mt 22:37).
Here is the teaching that Jesus gave us in His first coming and that now He continually gives us in this Corner of Heaven: «Love one another as I have loved you» (Jn 13:34).
Sons of God, know how to put into practice the teachings of the Lord (Mt 22:39)! From this, many will acknowledge the Christian authenticity; from this, the Courtyard of Jesus, the Courtyard that the Father has wanted to preserve for His sons will be acknowledged, so that in these times it could shine with His Light, with that Light (Jn 8:12) that annihilates sin, overcomes death and makes Love triumph: the pure Love that the world doesn’t understand and doesn’t want to understand (1Jn 2:15).
By understanding Love (1Jn 3: 1), man would understand Peace (2 Cor 13:11), man would understand at once what moves everything in this world: the Father’s will (Jn 6:40), so that relationships between brothers, between people who live different creeds, among peoples, nations, may be founded on mutual respect, by being rooted in good and not in evil. Only in this way man can be deemed being in search of the Truth (Jn 8:32). By these sentiments in heart, harmony and peace can be achieved (Gal 5:22). Only by putting this into practice, those of goodwill manage to understand the essence and the substance of He who moves everything.
Here is the Truth of the Church of Christ (1Tim 3:14). Many are the churches and many the courtyards (cf. Jn 18:15). Only those who operate practically, those who speak and put into practice all this will be authentic and will be recognized as bearers of Truth (Wis 3:9). This is what the Father has wanted to transmit in the Land of Love, so that everyone may feel to be a living part and grafted into the Tree of Life (Gen 2:9; Rev 22:14).
It is written: «Behold, I make all things new» (Rev 21:5). In the Land of Love, Jesus has done even more, so that everyone could see the splendour of the New Jerusalem. No longer an old and antiquated Jerusalem, weighed down by all that is world, debased inwardly and turned into a desert in its heart. In the New Jerusalem, milk and honey flow (Ez 20:6). The lymph of Jesus is alive and His Spirit is fruitful (Ps 104:24). Here is the House, here is the Church: unique and eternal, which has the Heart of God at its centre (Rev 7:17), which beats, beats and will beat more and more, because it is founded on charity, humility and love (Eph 4:2-6).