The centre of God’s infinite Mercy
Jesus is pure and holy Love (Jn 15:13). And in His infinite Mercy (Eph 2:4; Lk 1:50), Jesus purifies the hearts of His sons (Zep 3:17) helping them to win, for the triumph of His Holy and Merciful Heart (Lk 1:54).
Jesus is pure and holy Love (Jn 17:26). And in His infinite Mercy (Ps 5:8; 47:10) Jesus gives His Peace to all His sons (Jn 14:27a), that Peace (Jn 20:21) that the Father has placed in the New Jerusalem as a bulwark for everyone to plead the divine mercy of His Son (2Jn 3).
In the New Jerusalem (Rev 21:2), the Father has placed the centre of His infinite Mercy (Ps 29:11; 30:17) so that Christ the Lord, the Son of the Father’s infinite mercy, may infuse every heart with His joyfulness (Jd 24) and His infinite Love (Jn 15:9).
In the New Jerusalem, the Father has placed His Font Source, filled with the Holy Spirit (Jn 14:17.26), the cleansing Water of souls, from which Christ the Lord welcomes, cleanses and sanctifies all those who ask and will ask with a sincere heart to be welcomed and cleansed, embraced and purified by His infinite Love (Ez 36:25; Rm 14:17), who is Father, is Son and is Holy Spirit (Mt 28:19).
In the New Jerusalem, Jesus has come down from Heaven (Acts 1:11) to stand out as the only true King of Mercy: a good and humble, just and truthful King who bestows Mercy but never without His justice (Jer 23:5). This is the teaching that Jesus has always manifested, manifests and will manifest ever more from His Little Cradle, the living Sign of the Father’s infinite presence.
The New Jerusalem is the Corner of Heaven on Earth, given by the Father to His sons (Rev 2:7). From this Corner of Heaven, Jesus ascended and descended (Eph 4:9-10), to chart the Way and show the Path to every man and woman of good will (Jn 14:6) and to all sinners who, setting foot in the Land of Love, feel the pain of their sins (Lk 15:21). Sin is a wound in the heart of every sinner (Jn 8:34) and is a wound to the Heart of Jesus (1Pt 2:24).
Every sinner who arrives and will arrive in the New Jerusalem, animated by a living and sincere desire to receive forgiveness, will be able to ask for mercy, being sure of receiving it in plenty (Jn 1:29; Rm 6:12-14).
God’s infinite Mercy is poured out to those who are afflicted in heart and spirit, so to transform their hearts and to bring everyone to become burning torches of the Father’s Love (1Jn 3:1).
Those of goodwill who desire to be enflamed by the true light (Jn 1:9), are to come to the Land of Love to meet the Flame of God the Almighty Father (Ex 3:2; Is 10:17b; Rev 19:12-13), that will warm their hearts making them return to Life, to the true Life, to the Eternal Life (Jn 3:16; 1Jn 1:1-2).
In doing so, many will return to experience the heat and warmth of God’s Love (Mt 5:8; 1Pt 2:2) the more they will be able and will want to unclothe themselves of their ‘self’, of their ‘I’: the same warmth that those who have set foot in New Jerusalem already feel and live.
The Father’s Flame burns in the hearts of His sons (Is 4:5), to purify them from every stain (Jas 4:8), allowing them to return to live Life (Jn 5:24) and live it in fullness, being reborn from Above (Jn 3:3), clothed by the Light of Christ for the sheen of the Spirit, that Redeemer Spirit who allows to be born again and leads to salvation (Jn 16:13).
In the New Jerusalem, salvation is fulfilled for those who seek it and for those who will seek it (Acts 4:11-12; Rev 7:10). But, in the New Jerusalem, salvation is lost for those who denigrate and will denigrate the Land of Love wanted by the Father to restore order and holiness in this world (Jn 3:18). In His infinite mercy, the Father has given the New Jerusalem (Rev 3:12b) to His faithful sons, so that the Christian authenticity may be a “shield of faith” (Ps 17:3) to oppose the corrupted humanity that has now become arid. This shield will provide the feeling to be protected and loved by the Love of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (Ps 17:36), to all those who come and will come to the White Island (Jsh 24:17), the Place where the purity of faith will be preserved (Eph 6:16), to thus rediscover trust and pride, prostrating before the Triune God, who manifests Himself in His triple essence of Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Jn 4:23).
Those who want to feed on God’s Love, are to come to the Land of Love where the Father has placed the Centre of His infinite Mercy (Jn 6:58).
Those who want to quench their thirst with the Spirit of Christ the Lord, are to come to the New Jerusalem (Rev 21:6)
Those who want to be purified, are to trust the divine mercy of the Son of God, so to obtain forgiveness and remission of all sins (Acts 2:38), which consists in welcoming Him and recognizing themselves to be sinners (Ps 50:6) and then to acknowledge Him (Mt 16, 16) as He who saves (Phil 2:9-11), the One and Triune only-begotten Saviour (Jn 20:31).