The disaffection towards God’s Love
The Word became flesh (Jn 1:14) to offer His Love so that the world could believe and follow Him. Jesus was born, grew up and walked in this world to bring to everyone all that the Will of the Eternal Father wanted to give to the whole world: that part of God that was unknown to the men living at that time who, by the advent of the Son of God, would have had to move from the strictness of the law, to the Love of wanting to follow the Law (Rom 13:8,10), that was taught and manifested by the Son of God, to give Peace to their hearts and true Holiness, that many had lost.
Jesus sought to transmit true Holiness with all of Himself (Mt 5:48), by His attitude, His way of acting, confronting and dialoguing with everyone, serving everyone but never selling off His essence of Man that would have led all to do the Father’s Will, that He Himself, being God, incarnated and manifested. But the holders of the law at that time were godless and hard-hearted (Mk 3:5; Mt 19:8); and they used what was of God to humanise everything and to make men’s hearts like beasts (Jd 10).
Nothing was due to the many little ones. Much, if not all, was forgiven to the few who held the law (Mt 23:24). The little ones were overburdened with everything, by many and especially by those who, as depositaries of the law (therefore, in theory, in contact with God), should have put into practice the divine mercy (Lk 11:46), hence the Love of God, although not fully known as Jesus would have later taught, but right from then they should have been living it, putting into practice the Word of the Holy Scripture that the Father had given over time and betimes, through the prophets (Lk 10:25-27). Yet the custodians of the law used the Word of God for personal purposes, to feed their human power, to subjugate everything and everyone, to humanly enrich themselves and to make the hearts of God’s sons barren, but above all, to use them and subjugate them as they pleased (Ez 34:1-16).
Jesus came. And He began to walk through that world in search of hearts willing to follow Him, to understand Him and then to love Him. He made Himself Bread, living Bread (Jn 6:51), giving Himself to bring about in hearts the metamorphosis of love that would have enabled those men to see in Him, as Man, the divine essence, the promised One came to free the people from slavery and to accompany them to live the Kingdom of God (Lk 11:20).
The Kingdom of God is now being fulfilled in the Little Cradle of the Child Jesus (Lk 22:18), in a world where the same analogies of the past time once again recur in the present time: disaffection towards the Love of God, towards the Love of God and everything that belongs to Heaven, humanizing again what should have remained holy (Rom 2:5).
Once again, the Person of the Man-God is no longer recognisable because He is obscured by all that is human, because man has once again humanised everything, setting himself up as the owner of life (Acts 4:11).
Now the disaffection penetrates more and more into the hearts of the sons, making them increasingly sterile towards what is of God, towards what is faith and what is holiness, so that men, having lost the spirit and withered the soul, have become like animals and even worse (2Pt 2:12): instinctive and no longer masters of themselves, no longer able of dominating their own ‘self’ and of seeking the true God.
In this context, in the New Jerusalem (Rev 21:2), Love returns once again to be the fulcrum and the centre of everything: the Love that must circulate among the hearts, the true Love (Jn 15:10), so that those who accept Him may follow Christ again and work in His Vineyard (Mt 20:1-8), so to give to many the Word of Jesus which, if accepted with a sincere heart open to the renewed newness that is God, and put into practice, becomes salvation.
Here is the Little Cradle where the Son of God has returned once again (Acts 1:11) to radiate Light and Holiness. Everything is recapitulated, from His first Cradle, the humble Grotto of Bethlehem, to the second and last Cradle, the Little Cradle of the Child Jesus, the Cradle of God’s Love, the Cradle of the Son of God (‘therefore of God’), where those who wish to find bodily and spiritual refreshment, are to come and see, to touch with their hands and to drink from the Source of the Water of Life (Rev 21:6), for soon the world will once again be catapulted towards the fire and will be kindled (Ex 9:23). And, just as it is written, there will be those who will be lifted up and those who will be struck down (Gen 19:24); countries that will be razed to the ground and others that will be saved (Gl 3:3-5).
Every Word will be like a boulder for those who will not have welcomed it, heard it or believed it. Here is Love and Justice (Ps 100:1). Here is Salvation and Perdition. Here is Holiness and Infidelity. Here is the true merciful Justice of God, who cannot and will never judge according to human standards but will judge for all that has been done with equality and fatherhood, in order to give Justice to the righteous and to give Condemnation to those who have deserved it (Lk 11:42).
One is the Language of God, handed down by the Father, taught by the Son and written in the Gospels. And no eminent man, no matter how humanly learned and wise, can ever change the Language of the Almighty (Mt 5:18), because changing God’s Language means betraying God, it means wanting, with human will, to overturn His divine Will (Rev 22:19).
The workers in the Lord’s Vineyard abide and will always abide by the Master’s Will, even if God’s Will is contrary to the behaviour and the will of the sons of the world (Gal 1:3-12). This is why God’s sons stand out and will always stand out for, so that the Father’s Will may always be fulfilled (Mt 7:21), so to reach the final destination, persevering, loving and conquering, at whatever the cost (Lk 22:42), because it is not God who must submit to man and his will, but it is man who must submit his will to that of the Almighty, as Jesus teaches us in the Our Father: “Father, Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil” (Mt 6:9-13). Amen.