The spiritual pragmatism of God’s sons
Whoever believes in the Child Jesus, who came down to the New Jerusalem as He promised (Acts 1:11), will not die but will be saved and will live forever.
The world has not understood the Essence of the Person of the Son of God, who is the living and direct testimony of the presence of the Father, He who is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End (Rev 22:13), the Flame of Life (Ex 3:2; Jn 1:4), the Vital Breath (Gen 2:7) so that all may be in the one Spirit (Rom 8:16) who is manifested in the Son of the Living God (Mt 16:16). The world has not understood because, on one side it wasn’t capable of understanding, and on the other, it hasn’t wanted to understand that direct Testimony poured out from the Father’s Heart (Jn 12:37-38; 2Th 2:12).
Here is reason and faith: those who have been able to turn reason into living wisdom (Prv 2:6) have succeeded in understanding beyond what is visible up to comprehend the invisible (Col 1:15-16), all that is eternal (Ex 15:18; Ps 47:15), thus succeeding in grasping the essence of the existence (2Jh 2-3). The others have remained imprisoned in their own thoughts: not in wisdom, but in pretentiousness, in haughtiness (Sir 10:12), which led them to remain locked in an oblivion that, as a vicious circle, brought their “self” in wanting to be and to remain beyond all (1Jn 2:16).
Sharp and total is the divergence between the Spirit, who is Holy, and the pride of man (Jn 3:6). Pride manifests the unwillingness to yield, the unwillingness to understand, the unwillingness to accept the thoughts of others (Jn 5:44), the different points of view, the new thoughts, regarding all that is Spirit, Love, Holiness (Prov 3:7). There will never be a convergence between the Divine Spirit and human pride (Mt 12:31). Only those who are willing to empty themselves of their “self”, of their pride (2 Tim 3:1-5), letting themselves be filled by the Divine Spirit (Jd 20-21), will be able to grow, to be and to ascend, and to see face to face He who is (Ex 33:11; Jn 12:44-47; Rev 22:4). Many are those who fail to reflect the essence that is in their soul: many others succeed in making it shine (1Pt 3:4); others succeed in debasing it by making it slave to every sin (Mk 8:36).
In this time, the sons of God are called to be ardent witnesses of the essence of the Father (Acts 1:8), of He who created everything and out of Love, has once again re‑founded everything to give support to the whole Body, which is His Church (Heb 8:8-12).
In this holy time, the sons of God are called to reflect the image of the Father, in order to become many little Jesuses (1Jn 3:2) who convey the essence and the substance of that eternal childhood that will never end (Mt 19:14), thus marking the sharp and substantial difference with others who instead reflect an image of a god that isn’t God: the image of their own “self”, that afflicts the soul, burdens the heart and makes the spirit sterile (Ez 34:1-11).
This is the meaning of the spiritual pragmatism of God’s sons: to be industrious and operational (Lk 11:28; 12:37), and to be practical “builders” in the hands of the Spirit of God (Rom 8:9), making Him understood by all (1 Cor 2:12; 2 Tim 1:7); filled and permeated with the holiness of the Son of God to bring everyone to understand and to help others understand the Word of God, which is Life (Jn 3:15), by means of simple and true examples, words and deeds (1Tm 4:12), that are far beyond a sterile human habit.
The Child Jesus wants to impart this theology to everyone making them be aware of His Being (1 Jn 2:5), of His Love (1 Jn 3:1) and of His living closeness as Man and God, Man God, Man God (1Tim 2:5).
This is why Jesus teaches his sons to be first men and then Christians (2Cor 1:12; 2Ts 3:7-9), both for being able to understand everything and everyone, and also for bringing everyone to understand the One, who is Holy: Holy Spirit, who is Person: the Only-Begotten Son (1Jn 4:9).
This is the Holy Pragmatism of the sons of God. A human and divine Pragmatism, which leads to unite the Sapience of God (Ps 146:5; Wis 7:15) with the wisdom of man (Lk 12:42-46; Jas 3:13), so to concurrently be true men and true Christians, embodying the essence of our Brother Jesus, the Christ, the Son of the Living God (1Tim 4:10).
Here is the generation of the saints of the last times (Rev 20:6), made up of men in flesh and blood who want to spiritually elevate themselves so to understand, to love and to live God, the only Supreme Good (Rev 22:14).