The Spirit Who animates the Church

Church of Christ and the New Covenant with the Father

The Church of Christ is everlasting and eternal. The Father has sealed His Covenant, New Covenant, Unique Covenant, with the Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem, by means of His Son, given to humanity to uplift Christianity and bring back to the centre the Father’s will, the Father’s Thought, the Life, essential gift for every heart.
The Covenant is everlasting and eternal.


Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem: final fulfillment of the Father’s Project

The Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem, final fulfilment of the Father’s Plan, is born because mankind has betrayed the Father, the Spirit of the Father, denying His actions and His presence.
As it was in the past, is now again.
If the Father’s Spirit, Who in Jesus Christ is, would have been accepted, there would have been only the true Christianity, Holy and Total.
Nevertheless, those who adhered to Christianity, have once again betrayed the Spirit.
Here is that the Father again, in His infinite mercy, through His Son sends again His Spirit so that The Truth, pure and holy, may reign once and for all.


Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem: One, Holy and Universal

The New Jerusalem is animated by the Holy Spirit and is the expression of the Father.

The New Jerusalem, live, holy and brotherly, is united by the Spirit who wants to permeate the hearts of all God’s sons and give them back the dignity of the Father so to finally be and manifest the light of Christ.
In the Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem everything is and has to be renewed in the Spirit of holiness.
The New Jerusalem is the Body of Christ.
In order to bring the world to recognize it as such, those who want to live in communion with Christ and Mary, must completely unclothe themselves of their ‘self’ and be clothed with the light of Christ.
This involves sacrifice, passion and a total metamorphosis of their daily lives that must be holy: no longer a human but a divine everyday life that, in the total abandonment to the call of the Father’s will, is Life.

Daily the Father manifests His will, that is and lives in the Heart of the Son. A Will that now, in the moment of full acceptance, must be put into practice, to transmit the Christian values, those same values that iniquity would want to destroy, so annulling the sacrifice of God’s Son, annulling the faithfulness in Christ the Saviour, completely annulling the paternity of the Father, because changing even a single comma of the Word of God all becomes confused.
Confusion reigns in many hearts, confusion reigns outside the New Jerusalem. And the citizens of this Land, Mother Land, New Jerusalem, are to be ardent witnesses of Christianity.
«Do with me as You please. May Your will be done».
Following the example of Mary, obedient Daughter, Faithful Bride, Universal Mother, we turn with this spirit to the Son of God, day by day, to walk on the pathway towards eternity and eternally live the Tree of Life, Christ Life, Eternal Life.


The Purpose

The purpose of the Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem is to fulfil the Plan of Love and Redemption, for the glory and in honour of God the Almighty Father. The Holy Mother Church will make shine once again the Christian essence and consequently even the sense of brotherhood that come from the One and Triune God.

The Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem will lead again the hearts of every believer to live the beauty of spirituality that must grow and increase more and more in order to reduce all what is worldly.


The Mission

The Church’s mission is to promote and to bring people to practice the true worship and the true service to the One and Triune God: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

As consequence, every son of God and every man and woman of goodwill must live and lead people to live the “Ten Commandments” and the authentic teachings and the example of life given to us by Christ and Mary, Christ and Mary, Christ and Mary, in Their essential and substantial manifestation in history. Therefore “love your neighbour as yourself” so that the brotherhood in God and among the brothers may be alive and true.

The Centre of the saving mission of the Universal Church is:

  1. The Family, the first domestic church, formed by the indissoluble union in God between a man and a woman, just as it was conceived by God the Father from the beginning.

  2. The Sacrality of Life, gift of the Father to humanity, and as such, must be protected and preserved, starting from the natural conception until its natural end.

In these hard and difficult times that humanity is experiencing, an evil action is taking place wanting to destroy the family and to lead people to no longer consider the spousal union between a man and a woman as the true union wanted by God.

Consequently, this Church wants to give full priority to the family, wanting to stop, block and stem the malicious act that others, although proclaiming themselves Christians, are favouring.

The sacredness of life, the highest gift of God the Father to humanity, must be preserved with all our strength. Human selfishness cannot overpower God’s original Thought.

Because of this, this Church will fight in defending the fundamental pillars of the whole Creation.