Father, the hour has come

  1. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Heart of the Father is Salvation for the sons of God (Rev 7:10) who bow down and entrust themselves to His Heart (Ps 137:2). In the Little Cradle of Baby Jesus, God the Father manifests Himself as true God and true man (Jn 1:14). In the Little Cradle, His Heart beats: Heart of a Child.

  2. Let whoever wants to live listen to His Beating (Jn 1:4). Let whoever wants to keep loving the Son of God love Mary, so as to enter and penetrate the Heart of the Father which lies in the Little Cradle (Revelation of Jesus to Maria Giuseppina Norcia, ‘The Tabernacle of Jesus’, 19/06/1994) so that whoever wants to conform to His Will may welcome the one and only Truth (Jn 16:13): an uncomfortable Truth for the world, yet the only main Way to reach His Heart, comprehend His Will (Ps 39:7-9) and love Him above all else.

  3. God the Father has commanded all: ‘You shall have no God beside Me’ (Ex 20:2-3). Let all kneel down before the first Commandment, to ask for forgiveness and help, with ardour of heart and firm will, to persevere on the only Way (Jn 14:6) which the Father has traced out in the Name of the Son of God, and which, in Mary’s Heart, becomes the foundation for being able to love, live and understand the true faith, in His Most Holy Name (Phil 2:10-11).

  4. God the Son reiterated: ‘Love the Lord your God with all of yourself; love your neighbour as yourself’ (Mt 22:37-40). These precepts are inseparable, joined in His eternal Love, which is born from the Heart of the Father to make this humanity understand sublime Love, the greatest of all, so that Love may dwell in the hearts of the sons of God, who, with the same Love they feel in their hearts, may love their neighbour (Mk 12:33), in whom God reveals Himself.

  5. Behold the Reciprocity of Love, pure and holy: ‘To give in order to receive’; ‘to receive in order to love, to love and only to love’ (1 Jn 4:20). This is what one lives and will have to live in this Church, the House of the sons of God, the last Grotto of the Son of God (Revelation of Jesus to Maria Giuseppina Norcia, ‘The Holy Spirit’, 13/09/1984).

  6. Then He will come – just like He came back – to judge the living and the dead (2Tm 4,1): those ‘living’ who have let the Father’s Spirit live and keep letting It live in their hearts; those ‘dead’ who have been guilty of the greatest crime: turning away from the Father’s Spirit, denying Him and above all denying the effects of His Actions in the hearts of many little ones (Revelation of Jesus to Maria Giuseppina Norcia, ‘The Eternal Privileged Altar for the Hypostatic Union’, 30/06/1985). This is the crime that the Father will never be able to forgive (Mt 12:31; Rev 21:8).

  7. A Courtyard of the Church of Christ has betrayed its mandate, staining itself with this crime and letting in a foul spirit (Mt 24:15) that now rules over minds and hearts.

  8. Other peoples exalt other gods (Deut 7:4), blending in with other spirits and fumes of its spirit, which lead to war and actions that this world can no longer govern or stop. And one ‘great fire’ will cause this world to sink deeper and deeper into an endless abyss (Ps 63:7).

  9. Behold the neglect of this humanity, which has not been able to govern itself or maintain the right balance with all that God had placed at their disposal (Act of Magisterium, ‘The Authenticity of Christian Care’, 11/04/2021) .

  10. And behold the White Island, the New Jerusalem, where the Father finds rest (Rev 21:3). Behold that pure Love which God sends down and which comes back to Him, impregnated with His sons’ love. Behold the fragrant and beautiful flowers that give colour to the Father’s Thought and Action. Behold the Holy City (Rev 21:2) that will soon be one and whole, because the Father will put an end to all evil, will put an end to all enmity (Is 11:6-9).

  11. The Lord told his Maiden, Maria Giuseppina Norcia to warn the whole world to prepare themselves, because a ‘New Era’ was coming into this Valley (Rev 21:1); to offer sacrifices and all that they could; to warn the whole world that the Son of God had come back (Acts 1:11), to give everyone true Freedom of heart and spirit (Jn 8:32), so that, joined under a single Pennon, the sons might rediscover true Love’ (Revelation of God the Father to Maria Giuseppina Norcia, “The Immaculate Dwells in Us”, 28/06/1983).

  12. The time is near and the hour has come (Jn 17:1). Let whoever wishes to, draw near to the Mercy of the Father now, because this world is fully ready to welcome His Justice (Ps 93:1).

  13. The Father has waited because of the Love of the Mother and her children. That Love now becomes one and eternal Action, to give peace and holiness to those who have stayed faithful to the only Spirit; and to cut with the Sickle (Rev 14:14-19) those who have abjured, turned their back and betrayed the Spirit, the one Holy Spirit (Jn 14:16). In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit

December 1, 2024
Feast of the Father’s Heart

The Pontiff